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Friday, December 23, 2011

On The Other Side

I know that the doors are closed now... and whatever I do, there is no room inside for me... coz I know the feeling is not mutual and I cannot force you to feel the same way... and I know im being stubborn and all but then, its just that i cant help myself... i just cant give up on it that easily... And wanted you to know that just outside that door, there will always be someone that will be there for you if ever things may go wrong... i know somehow these are just merely words but then again these words are sincere and true... though i really wanted to show it to you even before but somehow im hesitant in such that sometimes there's a part of you that wont allow me to.. even so i really do love you... i dont know if ever i will have the chance to be with you coz only God knows what He has for you and me but i do pray for it someday... If ever it wont happen, then i just pray for your happiness. If ever this blog offends you in any way, i dont mean to do so and i know im not always right. Im just a man who is just crazy in love with the most amazing woman in this world and thats Yu.

You can always buzz me up no matter what... coz as i always said, i'll be here for you... you may not hear from me coz i respect ur privacy and personal life and somehow its my way of saving myself from breaking down but dont ever hesitate to reach for me if ever you will need me though i know its unlikely to happen but even so i just want you to know. Until we meet again..

Loving Yu always,


Saturday, August 20, 2011

Ask me why..

Ask me why I keep on loving * * * * * * * * * * when It's clear that you don't feel the same way for me... the problem is that as much as I can't force you to love me, I can't force myself to stop loving you .

Friday, July 15, 2011

Still Yet Unknown

Here I'am again... freeing the thoughts and feelings I have inside through this blog. Somehow it lessens the burden inside. As of the moment, Im really like stuck in a dark closed space. Yet stuck, I'm still trying to grasp that tiny bit of light because I have faith in HIM. Though I admit that there were times that I doubted His existence and questioned His authority... But I came to realized later that I didn't questioned all the good things He had done for me.. Though He didn't gave me the things I really wanted but He showed it that what He gave me are the things I needed and its also like His telling me that its still not the time to have the things I wanted... Every time He strengthens my patience. He tried to strengthen me as a person... I'm just a man who commits mistakes and weak, but because of Him somehow I came on surviving this journey of life. I do thank Him for that, I really do.

I know for the very fact that I do sometimes became immature on things. I do get emotionally affected and as a result decides abruptly without thinking. I guess everyone gets to such point in life.. But even though i did some things, but i always assure it will harm no one but me... I'm always cautious in things to avoid hurting others, I always do think of other people more than myself. But there was a time that I need to think of myself just once enable to keep on living this life. At that moment, i pulled myself in order to keep me out from breaking down. Its something that I don't have, yet its a very big part of myself. Its a feeling and something that i never had before in my life but then its the most certain thing i ever know.. I know for the fact that the feeling is not mutual but then again somehow I know its just you.

I kept some distance not because my feelings changed but rather I just want you to feel free and do the things you like and not suffocate you of me. Somehow also i was hoping you'll miss me. Maybe I'm not near where I'm used to be, but really I'm just around waiting, and ready anytime whatever happens... You don't need to call my name, just a single sign is all it will just take to let me know and i'l come running. What the future holds for me and you is uncertain, but I'm hoping and praying for that time will come it will be mutual.. and I'm doing my very best for a better future with His guidance.

I also want you to know, that aside from HIM above, your friends and family, there will always be a me you can run to, that loves you so and will always do, even if its not me and you.. Things I do is because of you. Your happiness is my happiness. These are not just words but rather are facts that I can only prove through time and if you'll let me...and still hoping, coz tomorrow is Still Yet Unknown..


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Yu r d only exception

And I've always lived like this..
Keeping a comfortable, distance..
And up until now,
I had sworn to myself that I'm
Contented with loneliness
Because none of it was ever worth the risk
Well, You, are, the only exception...
until then..tcare

Monday, January 17, 2011

never felt this way before

here i am again... maybe my last blog or even last time i would be in any social networking online.. maybe i dont have the courage to open my FB, FS, or even twitter though i dont have lots in connected but it weighs much because she's there.. anyway, just want to drop in my thoughts to somehow relieve this unexplainable feeling i have... its like im stranded in no where, like floating on space with no where to go... people say im just too "emo", yeah! maybe perhaps... but they don't know how would it feels to be like this... a very unexplainable that i myself couldn't describe it at all. don't know the right words, don't really know.. even now as im writing this blog, im shaking and like my strength have all gone.. its like of mixed fear, uncertainty of what lies ahead, and most of all pain.. when in fact, no one is doing it to me, or maybe just after what i had observed or noticed which somehow concludes to something though even its not confirmed yet but then i know it is... coz its been several times, when my intuition has something in it, most of it are right as what i suspected it to be.. but im not blaming anyone for anything, coz i know i have no right to.. i can't stop anyone to choose where they want to be happy, coz as what i always want for everyone to be happy and comfortable, especially her... but the only thing is that, i never knew that it would hurt much... maybe, i thought i could endure all d pain as long as d people important in my life would be happy, but i thought wrong.. and would i be that selfish, even for once in my life just wanted to be happy with?... even just a chance... coz most of the time, all i think are for the people around me to be happy, especially that special someone.. but in that single bit, most people especially her friends already thought that im too selfish for me wishing such thing to happen... yeah, maybe their right, coz i never longed for something like this... never done everything i could for all they know just to make things smooth for her and for them even though i would go on bumpy rides... as what i said, im not blaming anyone, coz i know they're just concerned for the good of their friend, but i, for all they know, would have wanted the same as well and even more... i don't have bad intentions or so, a chance was all i ever wanted though i know would never be given coz i know i sucked in pambobola, my jokes were not in lined with their humor in short im just not same with their inclinations.. but i always placed in mind that, opposite attracts and the more differences u have, the more u have something to share with each other... and yeah i adore them coz when their together its like things are always fun and they always laugh and i do like seeing her with such laughter and those stunning smiles... and everytime i saw those smiles i would think "damn, she's just too much for me, i know she's too beautiful for a guy like me, and could hardly notice me when there are much better guys out there.. but ei, they have one thing the other guys don't have, im the best companion someone could ever have"... a thought that i always placed in to myself, an optimist am i..hehe.. its this thing that makes it hard for me, coz at first she was not really someone of my type, though i admit she's beautiful, but that's not it... she just has something i could not explain what but make me fell for her... it took me time to know it, shall i say, the thing that i thought was just nothing turned into something more than i expected, more than i wanted and more than i needed... it was the time when she just done nothing but then meant so much... something that were just ordinary but for me turned that much special... maybe in the way she talks, which tickles my ears and hypothalamus.. the way she smells even though a rough and tiring day pass by.. she has just that special effect that if only people would see and know, they can't blame me why i would do just anything for her... maybe, i just love her more than anyone and anything in this world... maybe, im just too selfish of me, wishing her to be my lifetime companion coz i know the feeling is not mutual... i would always thought "Sana parang subject sa SCHOOL nalang ako!!Kahit di mo ako gusto, mapipilitan ka pa din na pagAralan akong mahalin.." but of course that is just a thought... maybe im just watching much of television and yearning for it to happen in real life that someone would learn to love someone eventually those who love them... frankly my thoughts are staggered now.. i just wrote whatever comes to my mind.. i know no one would read this blog so i dont care what i wrote, but i just wrote the thing i feel and think.. anyway, going back... i know she just wanted for us to be friends... before, i do too.. but i just can't help myself to fall for her.. everytime.. i did tried to get a hold of myself, and even tried to avoid things coz i know it will lead to nothing but i just cant... i cant help myself, i really do love her, that i can do anything for her but of course no bad intentions or anything.. thats why, a chance was all i been waiting for, though i don't know when or how, but i was always hoping for such... now i know she has someone in her life, and it beats me down to know something like that.. but there is always these things that somehow God tells me on not giving up on her maybe thats why my hope were not that completely gone coz even before a lot of things happen, but He always gives me reason to hope for something or maybe im just misinterpreting those... maybe for now, its better for me to save myself, but im still not losing hope... maybe someday would come, if ever it would be then it would be my luckiest day.... but if not, then maybe, i just misunderstand those messages of Him above.. maybe i can't be her at her side for now, coz it breaks me apart but i hope she knows that anytime, im still here for her and if ever time would come that she feels alone and has problems, i hope she does know she could always run to me.. coz maybe as long as she's not married..i'l be here for her, until such time,. coz i hope someday tides would come my way.. until then..

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Don't Know

Why is it always good people get dumped and get the bad things in life? while bad/mean people always gets the good and the best in life... dont you find it very ironic and unfair? :(

I just find it very unfair that no matter what I do... it just mean nothing... and no matter how hard I try and do my best, its like my best is just not good enough. Don't know what to do anymore.. Since when I was a child, no matter how hard I strive, I just can't get what I aim for, even just nearer to it... Maybe other people say that im lucky of what I have for the moment, but if you were in my position would you say your lucky if what you have are the things you dont want and you dont need... and other say just find something else rather than having the thing you cant have, but its like this, you can never put a diesel if the car needs premium gasoline.. at first, you may start the engine but at the long run it would just stop and no matter how you try, it won't go on further...moreover, it would just damage and destroy the engine... Its like life, no matter what you do, life seems to be on halt and you cant move... Its like the reason for going on would just stop.

Sometimes I would doubt if God do really exist. I doubt that is He really that good, coz if He is, why does he let good people suffer and let those who were not deserving be happy. I know, somehow it weakens my faith. My thought is just this, why he let me have something but eventually take it away. Why does he let me suffer with such terrible pain that sometimes i just want to end this journey but if not for my family, i would have done it long ago... coz somehow, i just want to pull them out from the grave of problems coz people dont really know what we are just going through but somehow we just keep it to ourselves and just fake those smiles...

But in my life there one thing i never regret in doin' and thats how i love yu... i thought she was just nothing but time came, i fell for her.. coz when time came when i thought that life has no meaning at all, i just did find one... but sad to say, though i find something to live for, i just don't have a chance and i know that long before but still keep on trying.. hoping for something would unlikely to happen... a hope i kept, to keep on living life that even to the end is never fair. i love her..

don't know, i just don't know..